2010년 8월 13일 금요일

Juvenile Offense

Sad as it is, but I want to state this on the side with JD's stance on juvenile crimes and punishment in her article. No matter how we try to relate it to the underdevelopment, environmental abuses, faults of others, pressure of fellow students or family, psychological disposition, or whatever the excuse might be, I contend that juvenile offense is no different from an adult's with the same malice and be dealt in the alikeness of that of an adult, even in capital punishment.

You can't deny the past and the depictions in scripts, studies, and criminial records listed here, a crime is still a crime and in the ages of 11-12+ they are fully aware of the notion of pain, death, and calculated, methodological murder, as modern psychologists in scrupulous studies. I've read the news and the ones that are embedded in me with most striking force are the killing in April, 1999 in Colorado where two teenagers (Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris), armed with contempt and with homicidal plans they had formulated more than an year ago, a cold blooded killing spree that was carefully planned and carried out all the way, killing 13 acqaintances and injurying 24, and dispatched themselves out with a gunpoint to their heads.

There can't be any excuses, the teenagers were fully captivated by their delusions or act of violence I might not comprehend, but can attribute to my own innate emotions of anger and murderous thoughts and I'm not shy to admit them. Even though I cannot, no I do not, vent my disconcerted exasperation and frustration, I can always find a way to simply ignore or walk away from the scene before violent acts may follow up, and I forget about it. We're not in the age of the gentry where we can formally challenge the offender to a duel or anything, we're in a painstakingly litigious society where the pen champions the sword, the law attacks and defends the people, not by a gunpoint. I cannot comply enough to show empathy for those juvenile offenders who might've acted in a haphazard act and blame on their genes and hormones for it. But the hormones and genes ARE essentially a part of you, the good and bad, all the little detail forms the human existence. It is just simply not result of childish implications, it is an act of corrupt violence the child acquired or familiarized with oneself in his/her own experience, and it cannot be condoned.

I cannot be conviced of the systematic rehabilitation quality the nation can provide now for the convicted. Because the inculcated ideology and uncontrollable anger cannot be easily suppressed once it has settled down during the age where development of abstract thought and self-awareness is established firmly. There are several movies I watched depicting juevenile homicide such as in "Blood Diamond" (the would-be doctor kid who is forced and brainwashed to a militant during the South African Border War) and another movie I can't recall the title but a teenager who gets his attorney to receive protection from charges of homicide (an adulturous and corrupt priest I recall) and feigns dissociative identity disorder until his makes a single blunder and the attorney walks away. Children are aware and may exploit its advantage of their nature of their vunerability. We just can't tell when they're telling the truth or not, really, and that's the grey area when the children are not perceptive of their own actions and consequences, but the offense have been made; the verdict will be made.

JD's blog: http://jdusgovblog.blogspot.com/
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Murder_committed_by_minors

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