2010년 7월 16일 금요일

Standing Regards to Spillage

The New York Times published an article covering the recent findings of the harbinger of the The tar and oil clots dotting washing up the seashore found to be benign, just slightly eye-catching and bothersome; nonetheless, deemed innocuous by the shoreline residents for now. The Texan residents are generally undaunted and composed of the effects of spillage on their shores and find no immediate damage to their daily activities, only few are concerned to raise doubts and dire premonitions due to the spill and the bp.

To have not been in the separate and absence of relationships with the big oil companies, and the likelihood of being generally informed of the effects of the oil spills on the shores of oil rigs throughout the Gulf of Mexico, it might be surprising to see that the majority of the business owners of the seaside-dependent residents are not worrying to much than what the relative public is foreboding. To extend further into the past industrial accidents involving mass oil spill such as the Exxon Valdez oil spill, whereas the environmental and economical costs were detrimental overall. The remnants and lasting effects are still observed and unforgotten over 20 years still.

The obvious alarm would be such that the estimation of the oil spill is largely undetermined but held to be more than tenfolds greater than the 1989 spill. It is not of the feasible estimation of the oil tanker, but the drilled portion of the well is leaking constantly and spewing up an estimated -and alarming for many- amount of 35,000 to 60,000 barrels everyday. It is by far, the largest oil spill in U.S. history. The damage of the oil spill and already taking toll in different environmental and economic consequences, but the overall extent cannot be measured fully due to the inviable location and unfinished containment of the leakage, and the proliferation of oil clots and slicks on the surface of the water is one thing, the non-visible oil-water in unpredictable deep waters is nigh-impossible to track, even more so to contain. The effects of the spills are still unseen but worsening all the same.

It is not to relieve the tension or worries the environmental groups and researchers, but studies show that the oil seep deep within, on the seabed would generally be comparable to the natural oil spills occurring due none to human intervention. It is not a positive effect to be considered in natural environments, but the spills are generally dispersed through sea currents and eventually return oceans to their healthy states.

It is not just the lack of preemptive actions or the amount of oil spill to be overly concerned about the most. The lack of girding and standing attitudes of the residents of the shores already witnessing the effects might be viewed as disdainful and ignorant as in comparison of oil spills with tremendous negative effects that occurred in remote locations offshore may be reasonably compared to the possible catastrophe that might hit the fishery, ecology, tourism, and health effects the nearby spill might have on their lives. The generous compensation given by the British Petroleum might not be even close to cover the possible extent of its damage throughout shores not just the states alone.

The general relief and containment process is still going on, and the difficult is well shown in all kinds of media. It is regrettable that many of the industrial disasters could have been prevented, but once it breaks out, the fatality is beyond measure and its restoration is exponential to its preventive cost and time. It might be, and would be relieving to know if the stoic standing of some people to disregard and shrug off as the natural regeneration and recovery of the gulf coast will be plausible over time. We just cannot be sure to know how many generations will it be or if we can cope with it in the interim.

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